NUS Anchored at 19°19.3N-110°48.4W, El Boiler, San Benedicto Island, 100ft depth, the sky is partly cloudy, air temperature 73°F, a pleasant northerly breeze of 5 knots and waves of 3 ft in the same direction
This morning the checkout dive was done in the shallow waters of the Fondeadero area, all the guests dived and it was successful. The divers saw a chevron manta ray passing by. For the second dive the area was in the Boiler that cooperated with 4 different manta rays,3 chevrons and a black one. Visibility of 60ft, water temperature 75°F and no current in both dives.
On the Boiler dive, just before they started diving, a Whale and her calf started jumping near the Boiler and after the divers went down, the Whales were placed just below the Skiff for several minutes approximately 40ft away from the Boiler. It was a show only for the Pangueros on the surface, the divers did not see them.
We have two more dives in the afternoon and all Divers are waiting for the Whales to return to the Boiler in the afternoon and not miss an Encounter with these giants. We are sharing the dive site with Valentina.