NUS Anchored in Latitude 18 46.6 North Longitude 110° 54.6 West. Drop the anchor in 91 ft depth, Cabo Pearce, Socorro Island, weather conditions little cloudy day, air Temperature 22°C, sea state 2-4 ft, in the anchorage area sea state calm.
First dive was good, the divers saw just four hammerhead-sharks and 1 manta come closer to the divers, some white tips and Galapagos, and end also ,the dolphins arrived when the diving was ending, they saw many many bonitos. Underwater conditions visibility 17 mtrs, Water temperature 21° C.
Second dive much better one group saw four mantas one black and three chevron, saw dolphins, some hammerhead shark, many reef fishes, white tips, and Galapagos. When the third dive is over, we go to navy check. Guests are fine.