NUS Anchored at 18°59.3N-112°04.7W, at Roca Partida, 240 ft deep, the sky is partly cloudy, air temperature 77°F.
This morning two dives were made and in the first one, a group of divers had a very close encounter with a Humpback Whale and calf that passed between them and the Rock, escorted by a dozen Dolphins.
I also saw Galapagos Sharks, Silvertips, and the traditional whitetips that are always patrolling the Rock, a Chevron Manta Ray, and a Mobula, all happy. All the guests diving today.
On the surface the Whales give us a good show passing very close to the boat and sometimes passing under the boat and jumping close to Roca, the visibility is very good we can see from the decks of the boat, and everyone is very excited to have an encounter with the whales during the next dives.
Sharing the Roca with the NBA. Plan for tomorrow, Cabo Pearce Isla Socorro.