NUS Anchored at 18°46.6N-111°02.8W, in 120 ft depth, Punta Tosca, Socorro Island, sky is partly cloudy, air temperature 74°F, weather with nor westerly wind 10-12 knots and 6ft long period swells.
This morning two dives were made with visibility of 100ft, water temperature 75°F and a very light current to the west, 3 different manta rays were seen on the two dives, one black and two chevron, very friendly that stayed all the diving with the divers and some Galapagos Sharks.
We have one more dive in the afternoon and after the dive go to the Routine Inspection with the Mexican Navy.
We are sharing the diving site with the NBA. After the Inspection, we will move to Cape Pearce to dive there tomorrow.