NUS Anchored at 18°46.7N-111°02.7W, in 105ft depth, Punta Tosca, Socorro Island. The sky is partly cloudy, air temperature 69°F, Wind 15 knots and gusts of 20 knots blowing from the north with waves Wind of 3ft from the same direction and long period swell from the northwest of 6ft.
This morning two dives were made with visibility of less 50ft, water temperature 71°F and light current to the south.
In the first dive several manta rays that just passed without interest in the divers and a dozen Dolphins that cooperated very well with the divers. For the second dive, some manta rays cooperated better with the divers, one stayed with them until the end of the dive.
We are sharing the diving site with NEX and Chiron/Legend that these two dives together. We have one more dive and then we will go do the Navy Inspection.
Plan for Tomorrow Roca Partida.