NUS Anchored at 18°59.5N-112°04.8W, in 240 ft depth, Roca Partida, the sky is clear, air temperature 77°F, wind 10 knots from the northwest, and 4ft long period swell from the same direction.
Two dives were done this morning, with visibility of 100ft, water temperature 75°F, and strong current to the north. The divers have to stay in the protection to prevent the current taking them into the blue.
The divers saw tons of Whitetips sharks, some Silvertips, and Galapagos, and on the second dive the Whale Shark appeared, juvenile and the majority saw it passing several times around the Rock.
Now they are at lunch and waiting for the afternoon dives and the encounter with the Whale Shark.
In the last dive yesterday in Cape Pearce was very good with many dolphins that played throughout the dive with the divers. We are sharing the Rock with the NBA.
Plan for tomorrow is the Boiler on San Benedicto Island.