NUS Anchored at 18°59.5N-112°04.7W, in 240ft depth, Roca Partida, sky is partly cloudy, air temperature 70°F, wind blowing from the north 15 knots and gusts 20 knots, wind swell 4 ft and 6ft long period northwest swell.
Two dives were done this morning, conditions: west side, visibility 100ft, water temperature 75°F, strong current to the east. East side: visibility 40ft, water temperature 69° F, strong current to the east.
Divers saw a black manta ray, tons of Whitetip Sharks patrolling the Rock, some Galapagos and Silvertip Sharks, Yellowfin Tuna, and Jacks.
Guests and crew are happy without problems today. We plan two more dives in the afternoon.
The plan for tomorrow is Cabo Pearce on Socorro Island. We are alone in Roca Partida today.