19.17.773N – 110.48.578W, anchored in 50 FT of water is a beautiful day out, air temperature is 76F, clear skies for the most part, today we had little current to the east then it shifted and now is running to the west, ocean today is 70F and it gets even cooler if you go down deep to 80Ft or so.
Diving has been really good starting with the warm up dive in which they saw dolphin… imagine first dive of the week and already they saw the dolphins…
Anyways second dive was done at the Canyon where they got the chance to interact with a manta and loads of sharks in the cleaning station, they say some of the sharks were huge, the silver tips and Galapagos took the place as their own and got their cleaning job done.
Visibility today is 60FT, easy dive, guests loving the place. Flat seas at the Canyon
Guests doing well