Captain’s Noon Reports – Explorer – 2024-07-15

Hola everybody.

Today NEX has been sailing all day from Bahia de los Angeles to La Paz. Running and searching for megafauna. This morning, we found a small pod of dolphins, we set a panga in the water and 1 passenger went to snorkel with them. The other passengers just wanted to see them from the boat.

Later we found a fin whale, we tried to get closer to it, but it ran away every time we approached. The passengers saw it from the boat.

The day has been warm, 30°C in air temp. No wind at all and scattered clouds. Water temp was 28°C, low current going southward, no wind and scattered clouds.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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