Whale sharks, mobulas, hammerheads, and more!

“Today was the best day EVER. We swam with whale sharks and mobula, saw hammerhead, countless birds, and coyote trotting across the beach. And to cap it off, an early evening dive and yet another delicious dinner onboard. Loving our time with Nautilus!”

-Boyd Family

“Today will go down as one of the greatest days ever! We swam with whale sharks and got dive bombed by boobies, Captain Beto let us jump off the front of the boat, and Laura makes the best margaritas. Yesterday we saw huge pods of dolphins, a humpback whale, and a fin whale. We are only a couple of days into our trip and it has already exceeded expectations. This is our first live-onboard dive trip and was really nervous about feeling trapped on a boat and getting antsy. But, we have been so busy that the only down time is spent resting. 

I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings!”


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