Captain’s Noon Reports – Explorer – 2024-08-15

Wafer Bay, is a beautiful day, sun is out, light N breeze, long 1ft N waves, air temperature is 82F, water was the same in both morning dives 82F, visibility is 100Ft, light current running to the west.

In our first dive Juan David was driving for us we did Manuelita and we had Beto and Celina in the water. We did the shallow side, and when I came back up Juan David was telling me how it was raining and all of the sudden it stopped and the sun came out to rain again. Then sun came out again and like this for almost one hour I was just laughing cause that how Coco Island is.

The dive was awesome loads and loads of hammerhead sharks so many and the good things is the shallow they are, our air lasted for ages, tons of bottom time, clear water, warm water.

Everything was good about this dive, some saw the tiger shark towards de and some of us saw a reef black tip, the reef is so healthy and full of life. The other group dove Dirty Rock and had the same kind of action with the hammers. Besides, they had the horse eyed jacks, we had lunch and now some of the crew are on a waterfall tour, soon they will be back and off to dive the third time.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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