Today we are doing Alcyone and the Arch, both dives were really good.
Alcyone had the schooling hammers, they also had a manta, coming and staying with them for a while, in the Arch we had tons of hammers, incredible amount of fish, the goat fish come in big schools here, the Jordan snapper, trigger fish, the stripped gold and blue snapper.
We found a couple of marble rays, a silky shark showed up for a brief pass, then just minutes before we started our ascent to the safety stop, we found a couple of orange frog fish, just imagine, we had lots of hammers, marble rays, silky shark, countless white tip reef sharks and yet the highlight was the frog fish… cool.
In the bay were are at, the weather is nice and calm, light N breeze, flat seas, we had lots of sun but after 0200pm the rain started, guests are outside on a land tour, soon they will be back and we will be going for the third dive. Today we had a big mass of cold water 76F, visibility was 50Ft, some current running to the NW.