Manta rays, large schools of giant hammerheads, sea lions and more!

“I am so happy my friend told me to come on this trip. I have been on one liveaboard dive trip before and this one was significantly better. The diving took us to an amazing variety of places. There were manta rays interacting with us, large schools of giant hammerheads, sea lions to play with for as much as you want, and too many varieties of fish, turtles, octopus, eels, corals and every other form of underwater life form to count. Time spent on the boat was just as enjoyable as the hostess Mar is as good as it gets. Lots of little things at every turn kept making the trip full of thoughtful touches that already want me to book another visit.”

-Brian, aboard the Gallant Lady

“This trip has been great! Lots and lots of sea life and so much fun! It was my birthday and they even sang to me! Such a great crew. The dive guides were very attentive and helped whenever needed. The crew catered to my every need. We saw hammerheads, sea lions and so much more. This trip is well worth your time and money. This is my third time coming I love it so much!”

-Rick, aboard the Gallant Lady

“Third day of our trip on our first dive, we had our fingers crossed the whole time. And behold! A giant manta ray gracefully glides above our heads, along with remoras attached on the underside.. I was screaming through my regulator trying to point it out to my dive buddies! With our air bubbles, the manta rushed over and barrel-rolled itself around them – it was an amazing first sighting of mantas for me.”

-Vanessa, aboard the Gallant Lady

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