Playful sea lion pups in the Sea of Cortez!

“Floating slowly along with the current, looking for tiny creatures in the coral, suddenly a large body zooms past the side of your mask: it is one of several playful sea lion pups coming to investigate the other large mammals blowing bubbles near their rookery. Curious and unafraid, they dive, pirouette and change direction in front, above and behind you with a speed and grace that is hard to believe. They watch for a response and seem even more curious, approaching within inches, when you make eye contact and spin in the water, playing alongside them. The next moment, they disappear up to the surface for a breath, only to return moments later to continue their play, making you laugh into your mask.”

-John, aboard the Undersea

“I just finished my third amazing dive of the day! Sea lions were abundant, playful, and fun. The colors were vibrant and we had great visibility. We saw turtles, lots of scorpion stone fish, multiple species of grouper, and even an octopus! Beyond all of that, the staff, the food, the living quarters have been great as well! Looking forward to a few more days aboard and in the water!”

-Cindy, aboard the Undersea

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