Captain’s Noon Reports – Belle Amie – 2024-10-30

Anchored in 60Ft of water, we are in San Benedicto, diving Fondeadero and the Canyon. Wind is doing 12 kts NE, clear skies, air temperature is 80F, long 6ft waves at time looks like those waves come from SE and then they hit us from NW. The thing is that the Belle rolls from side to side, making it hard to walk and getting the skiff loaded, crew keeping things under control.

Approaching the anchorage, dolphins came to greet us, just before briefing dolphins showed up again and made guests wanted to jump in to go and see them. In the dive they had some current running to the west, visibility is 60Ft water from top look very blue, ocean today is 78F.

Just in the check dive they saw a black manta and some silver tip sharks, in second dive they made it to the cleaning station, and found some more silver tips, white tip reef sharks, silkies, another manta this time a Chevron one. The manta kept circling divers and placed herself just above some of them to get a bubble massage.

Guests are crazy about mantas already and this is only the first day and only two dives in and it is going to get better.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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