Captain’s Noon Reports – Belle Amie – 2024-11-03

Anchor in 55ft of water, we just anchored here at Fondeadero (leather bass alley).

This morning we did two dives at the Boiler and now we are here, Boiler was good for the Belle but weather picked up and despite the good dives the dive platform became an issue so the last two dives of the week will be done on this side of San Benedicto.

Boiler delivered very very good dives, this has been the week of mantas and dolphins and the Boiler had more of the action, guests enjoyed it a lot.

The interaction with the dolphin is some they describe as life changing, is hard to stay cool when a dolphin come right up to your face and rub their nose in your body, then the mantas, they were everywhere, the action these days have been incredible. Some saw Galapagos. The horse eyed jacks, lots of white tip sharks.

Visibility is 120 plus feet, little current to the south, wind is doing 14kts NW, 5ft NW waves, cloudy skies, in Fondeadero the wind still about the same but the surface is a lot better than the Boiler, air temperature is 78F, ocean is the same.
Is our last day of diving guests happy for such a good week.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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