NEX anchored between Fondeadero and Canyon. Wind is ENE 10-14kts, 2-3ft swell/waves in the anchorage, partly cloudy, air temp 27C. Anchored here today with Rocio del Mar who are also on day 1. Valentina and Southern are at the Boiler today.
2 dives done so far and it’s been a great morning. Checkout dive at Fondeadero was ok, great for some divers who had a dolphin encounter.
Dive 2 was epic Canyon. Lots of hammerheads around, a school of 10-15 cruising around, plus some big ones coming around the cleaning station, Galapagos and silver-tips, and 4 giant and friendly mantas throughout the entire dive.
Water temp 27C and viz at the Canyon was about 25m (80ft). Guests were amazed by that dive. Planning 2 more here today, then overnight to Roca is the plan so far. Watching weather closely and starting to get a little concerned by the forecast for our last dive day on the 17th. 25-30kts from the north forecast for what would be our entire transit home with some big seas.