Captain’s Noon Reports – Under Sea – 2024-11-18

NUS at Cabo Pearce anchor. We have bad weather conditions Wind outside  NNW 16-18 kts, sea state 4-6 ft on the outside of the bay, partly cloudy sky, air temp. 25C. We are sharing dive site with Solmar V.

In the first dive our guest saw four mantas, one group saw a big school of hammer sharks, many tunas, bonitos and many reef fish, visibility 18-20 mtrs, temp. 25 Celsius and the current is a little to SE.

The second dive was much better they saw mantas all time, dolphins, big school of hammer sharks, many tunas, many bonitos and reef fish, conditions into the water visibility 18-20 mtrs. Temp. 25 Celsius and the current continued to SE.

In the morning diving, 4 guests did not go because they do not like it too early, they prefer a little more light but our guests are very happy.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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