NEX at anchor at San Benedicto Fondeadero. 50 ft depth 2 shots out. Nice Weather, 8-10 kts NW´ly light wind, 2-3 ft swell. Clear sky. Air temp 27 C.
Arrived last night at San Benedicto. No other boat in the site.
First dive, check dive, was done at Fondeadero, divers jumped from the back deck to check weights and do first dive. It was a great dive, 2-3 mantas around and sharks. Viz was around 15 mts and temp 25C, there was no current.
On second dive was at the Canyon. it was a great dive, 4 mantas, lot of sharks and fishes. Viz got much better 25 mts, water temp was the same and there was a moderated current to the west. One of the groups saw a tiger shark at the cleaning station. Everyone is super excited.
2 more dives at the Canyon this afternoon. We will have taco night this evening and we will depart to Roca Partida after dinner.