Hi everybody, today Nautilus Belle Amie at Roca Partida, with 5 shots in the water with a depth of 250 ft, we arrived to the rock in the middle of the night, there are 3 boats in the area including us, “NEX” and “Rocio del Mar” here, so for today we are going to make 3 dives, we have done 2 already.
Air temperature 21°C, NW 10-12 winds and waves coming from NW 4-6 ft, the guests are extremely happy with the beautiful rock in the middle of the ocean, and what hides under water.
They could interact with dozens of white tips, a couple of mantas at once that came very close to them, huge tunas, schools of skipjacks, silkys and silvertips, and reef fish around.
Water temperature is 23° C, a light current from SW, and vis about 100ft. We will navigate to Socorro Island for our diving day tomorrow.