Hi everyone! Belle Amie reporting from Socorro Island anchored at Cabo Pearce with 3 shots in the water, 100 ft depth, no boats around.
We arrived yesterday before dinner after making our navy inspection. It’s a sunny day with some whites around, air temperature 22° Celsius, NW winds from 10-15 kts and no swell in the dive site.
We started our diving day at 0800 as guest requested and we have done 2 great dives, there are a lot of action down there, mantas playing around, the guests told me they say more than 4 at once, white tips around, and school of hammerheads, and some of them saw dolphins too.
Visibility is around 45 ft, water temperature 23° Celsius, a light current coming from N to S. Everything is going good.
There are 2 days left, then we will enjoy the cheese & wine and dinner, and make our way back to CSL.