Captain’s Noon Reports – Belle Amie – 2025-02-11

Good afternoon, everyone, Nautilus Belle Amie reporting from westside of San Benedicto Island, El “Boiler!” we are anchored in a 125 ft depth with 3 shots in the water and no boats around, the weather conditions are good for Boiler, partly cloudy and windy day, sky 4/8, 12-15 knots NW winds, and 3-5 ft swell same direction, air temperature 22°C.

We arrived at San Benedicto last night around 2300 hrs and spent the night at Fondeadero, to start our check dive there in a shallow area, all divers did it great during the check dive.

After that we moved to Boiler for the second dive which was good too, visibility is about 80 ft, water temperature 21°C and light current from W to E. During the second dive the divers enjoy some Manta interaction, a couple of Galapagos, silkies, silver and white tips around.

We will make 2 more dives here and then enjoy cocktail hour and taco night, after that we will head up to Roca Partida for our dive day tomorrow.

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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