The Heart of the Reserve: Where Whales and Birds Meet

San Ignacio Lagoon is not just home to whales—it is the beating heart of the Vizcaíno Biosphere Reserve, a place where life thrives in all its forms. Along the mangroves, snowy egrets and herons wade gracefully, their reflections dancing on the water. Brown pelicans skim the surface, while osprey circle above, scanning for fish. This […]

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Witnessing a Gray Whale Calf’s Early Moments

There are few sights more moving than witnessing a newborn Gray whale taking its first breaths. The lagoon cradles them in its shallow waters, offering warmth and safety in their earliest days. One morning, we spotted a mother lifting her calf gently, helping it reach the surface. The calf’s breathing was still unsteady, its small […]

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Friendly gray whale momma and calf approached us

“It’s definitely a once a lifetime experience. I was so touched the moment the mom and calf approached the boat and interacted with us. Beyond that, it’s fascinating to observe so many different behaviors of gray whales in their natural habitat. The Guides and panga Captains are very respectful to the whales, it’s a great […]

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San Ignacio is “one of the most enriching and unique experiences”

Working as a guide in Laguna San Ignacio has been one of the most enriching and unique experiences of my life. This corner of Baja California Sur, considered one of the most impressive natural sanctuaries on the planet, is not only a place full of history but also teeming with wildlife that takes your breath […]

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