The first dive was amazing, the guest saw mantas all the time, they also saw silver tips and white tips and tunas. Guest are very happy.
Read MoreThe first dive was amazing, the guest saw mantas all the time, they also saw silver tips and white tips and tunas. Guest are very happy.
Read MoreThey found five mantas, chevron and black mantas shared the place taking turns to come up to the divers. Guest loving the ocean & marine life.
Read MoreOn the second dive was excellent, very social mantas as well, lots of great interaction. Guests loving the diving here.
Read MoreOn our first day of searching for bait balls was very good, had encounters with several small bait balls but with a lot of marlins.
Read MoreCheckout dive at Fondeadero was nice, one giant manta around that most people saw and a pod of dolphins was nearby, many people see dolphin.
Read MoreGuests disembarked with no issues, they were happy, Trivia game last night was exciting and everyone attending was happy.
Read MoreWe made a weather course and just now able to start pointing the boat in the right direction without rolling.
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