Variable dive conditions โ€“ itโ€™s not always super hot.

Location: Punta Tosca, Cabo Pearce, Socorro Island, Revillagigedos.

Comments: A couple of our guests are unhappy. Our last trip was a magical journey during which every site was โ€œawesome,โ€ โ€œhot,โ€ or โ€œfantastic.โ€ The difficulty with diving the Socorro Islands (Revillagigedos) is that the big animals are not consistent. The giant manta rays, sharks, dolphins and humpback whales move around. What was super hot the previous week might be โ€œquietโ€ now. The only solution is to dive, dive, dive, move around and check out different sites. I apologize to anyone who I might have left with the wrong impression. That being said, when the diving is โ€œon,โ€ it can be the experience of a lifetime, and absolutely amazing.

We dove both Punta Tosca and Cabo Pearce today with some really mixed experiences. One lucky group of snorkellers were approached by a humpback whale calf until Mum zoomed in (15ft away!) and dragged the calf away. We also had some great dolphin encounters, and about half the divers encountered a very playful giant manta ray.

Great fun was had by those who helped us experiment with our first ever Socorro Island shark cage dive. We were hoping for tiger sharks but were quite content with the 10 or more silky sharks who showed up and came in very closeby the cage. NafNaf (the really cute newborn silky shark) was there, and so small that she was able to swim freely in and out of the cage and around the bars. One very interesting observation was that all of the silky sharks were female. I would love to do some tagging and census work down here to understand more about these animals. Safe diving.

โ€“Captain Mike

Weather: Mid-level broken clouds, 75ยฐ, 20 knots of wind and gusting, 10-foot swell outside, low swell in our anchorage.

Water: Visibility 40 โ€“ 75 feet, temperature 73ยฐ.

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