Dive bombed by a stellar sealion.
I was dive bombed by a bull stellar sealion while a female chewed on my fins pulling in opposite directions. I started the dive 5’1″ and ended 5’10”. Hahhahah. Yesterday I saw a sea otter playing with and eating an octopus.. Michele Hall
I thought a sealion was going to crack Michele’s head like an egg and let everything out. So I kept the camera going. Stellar sealions live up to their name – sea “LIONS”. Howard Hall.
Breaching humpback whales from my kayak and and sea otters with their pups on their tummies floating along.. And puffins and oyster catchers.. It was not a bad day for Alaska. Jeff.
Close encounters of the baleen kind. 3 oar-lengths away. What are you going to do to top that Captain Mike. Jane.
Big suckers. Unbelievable to sit in the hot-tub watching humpback whales swim past against the sunset and glaciers and mountains. This anchorage has been just amazing. Just about any time of the day you look out the window you can see at least a couple of humpbacks. Never had so many close-up encounters with humpback whales. Especially with the snow capped peaks in the background. Dave
Whales at breakfast. Eagles for lunch. Sea otters for dinner. And an occasional sealion with a salmon in it’s mouth!! Ann