Today was fun. I would have to say it was an Alaskan adventure in flip-flops. Although I would have to recommend not going to either the waterfall or the snow-cave in flip-flop. I had never expected that we would do something like the surreal jelly-fish dive. Millions of jellies in our face. Completely unexpected and like something out of fantasia. David
Today was fabulous. Good would be like saying “that’s nice”. Lynn
Fabulous day..
In einer abgelegenen Bucht in Baranof Island, an der sich rechts und links steile Felswaende erheben, sind wir in millionen von Mondquallen getaucht, teilweise war alles weiss um uns herum – Jellyfish-Lake in Palau kann nicht spektakulaerer sein!
It was fun. Especially hanging 400 feet above a raging river, hanging off a tree, snapping photos of massive waterfalls….ED