Danno found my battery when I dropped it off the back of the Nautilus. Divemaster Dan went way beyond his job description. One of the best dives of the trip was under the pier at Butedale. First dive was at noon today which gave me a well-needed 12 hours of sleep last night. Bruce
Best dive of the trip so far was at the Transpac. i could have done 10 more dives there. It was fantastic. Beautiful view of the Butedale waterfall from a kayak today. Too much outstanding food. We are all going to be fat. Not to mention the endless liquor supply. Steve..
I completed my first novel of the trip today. Mr. Smith.
The hike was great. Butedale Lake was good to swim in. Kennen.
I feel very close to my friends on this trip. Monte (in the middle of a 5 person dogpile on a couch in the main salon!)
I need a chardonnay. I need a Corona. My name is Dan (said Ed)..
Anything for my favourite brother. Dan
I was afraid that I would get seasick so we went to bed quickly when we hit open ocean last night – and stayed dressed in case I had to make a quick trip to fresh air on the top deck – but I went with the flow and actually fell asleep very quickly (I’ve thrown up on every boat that I have ever been on).. Roxanne