Day 1 of 3 in the cages and we have already had some incredible action. We have had sharks on every dive and they are coming close to the cages. A large female, about 14′ swam around the submersible cages all day and dominated two other equally large females that showed up in the late morning. Most of the group of divers are photographers and these three sharks gave us one of the best shows I have ever seen at Guadalupe in 7 trips now. I personally shot over 600 images today…………only kept 100 but that is a record for me at Guadalupe. The water is calm and clear and we are having a great time.
Andy Sallmon
Die Erwartung enorm und die Hoffnung hoch… aber es war noch viel besser als gedacht! Alle Gaeste hatten zu jeder Tageszeit die grossen weissen Damen um sich. Vor allem aus den versenkbaren Kaefigen in etwa 12 m Tiefe konnten wie die fast 5 m langen und unsaeglich bulligen Giganten hautnah erleben. Zeitweilig gesellten sich noch drei verspielte Seeloewen und riesige Makrelenschwaerme dazu… was fuer ein Spektakel! Nicht nur die Natur hat uns heute verwoehnt, auch das weitraeumige Schiff, die freundliche Crew und die reibungslose Organisation tragen zu diesem perfekten Tag bei. Antonia + Ralf (Germany)
Fantastic first day!! First shark (14 foot female) within 5 minutes of cages in the water. Sharks on every dive today – up to three at a time and mid-afternoon seals. Exceeded expectations – amazing day!