The Nautilus Explorer Goes to San Benedicto
The lines are off, the anchor weighed
The sun is high this glorious day
Behind us lays Baja, Mexico
Ahead the Socorros, its time to go
Twenty four divers with gear and smiles
Have boarded the ship to travel the miles
They’ve joined with ten of the finest crew
To find adventure out in the blue
Upon the Pacific soon settles the night
Wide eyes on deck soak up the light
Of the stars so many it boggles the mind
Those looking up ask “stand still, time”
Satisfied, soon sleepy heads
Descend below to find their beds
The gentle roll of the ship through the swell
Brings sleep with dreams of mermaids that tell
Of wonders deep below the waves
Of unseen creatures hiding in caves
Of a deep dark canyon where hammerheads roam
Of pinnicles where Mantas call home
Morning light where sea touches sky
A mountain rising up so high
Barren and ashen a formidable sight
San Benedicto in all its might
The crew tell stories of ’52
When last this great volcano blew
The anchor drops down to the sand
The divers gather; a briefing at hand
The divemaster pulls out his map and remarks
Look here for manta and here for sharks
Across the sand all must creep
To find the hammerheads of the deep
The briefing done, the gear is donned
Off the deck and into the pond
They jump and splash
In a bubbly mass
Vanish below
Where few men go
And there they see swimming free
Triggers and lobster and a long green eel
Arriving at the canyon’s edge
They settle down behind a ledge
Hearts are racing, eyes are wide
Divers laying side by side
Peering out into the blue
Will they appear, never on cue
Silently, stealthily out of the din
A shape, then eyes, a tail, a fin
Scalloped heads with long bodies cruise
One, then two, then a multitude
Back to the boat, its time for lunch
Excited chatter between each munch
Stories are shared and the sharks grow bigger
One claims “20 feet!”; others snicker
The next dive is held at the Boiler a place
Where diving requires little haste
A towering pinnicle Where often are found
Giant Manta Rays which come around
To swoop and circle and make new friends
The divers wish it never to end
Back on boat the divers are met
With the smell of cooking on the back deck
The chef attending the barbeque
Has salmon so tender in plain view
Dinner is full of stories and laughter
Then enough drink is poured to raise the rafters
Glasses are raised to new friends made
And all give cheers to an incredible day
Sadly now it is time to go
Back to our home port in Cabo
So thank you for hearing my tale Dear Reader
Next time I’ll tell you about Roca Partida
Daniel Dayneswood