So after finishing of 6 days diving in the Channel islands our trip has now reached Guadalupe Island. We arrived with grey weather but after a couple of hours the sun burned through and we had a beautiful sunny day and dead calm seas. It was a real treat. The first two hours we only had one sealion passing by, at a time thoughts where thinking are we to early in the season?
Then finally at the surface a 3,5 m male came by and he was a frisky one! Quick turns , steep dives and ascents and just passing inches away from the bars of the cages. Eyeballing us. He continued staying with us until an other male a bit bigger and better fed took over and dominated the water around Nautilus Explorer. He was not getting in as close to us as the first one but was giving us a good show until light was out and we finished the day. Again we see the funny behaiviour with a young male Californian sealion playing with the white shark, at one moment it looked like the shark would have a chance but the sealion out manouvered him.
Sun , calm seas and good viz, Good start of the new season! Nice and fun to be back again!
Surface conditions . Sunny , dead still seas 28 C 82F
Underwater conditions. Viz 100-120 ft, could clearly see the anchor chain. Temp 16-17 C 65-67F
Absolutely great dive with big great white sharks around, so close that I am able to kiss them, i love those sharks! I’m shark addicted!
They are beautiful, I never thought they would get so close to us before I came. And I never thought they would show up so quickly, either.
And a beautiful crew too! I love Nautilus Explorer and all the crew members, everybody working perfectly together. Thanks!
First of August 2010 – Swiss National Day – we had fantastic dives at Guadalupe Island and saw Great White Sharks.. One of them was very curious. That was great fun being in the cage! 🙂 all of us had great fun and the photographers are very happy with the taken pictures and are preparing now thrilling slide shows being showed at home demonstrating how courageous we are. This trip is worth being recommended to everybody, it is incredible to watch this perfect predators! Dani
Erscht Auguscht 2010 – Schwizer Nationalfiertig – moer hond super touchgaeng vor guadalupe ka und bis zu vier wissi hai glichzitig gsaea. Oana vo dena isch mega neugierig gsi und haed useri kaefig mehreri mol agschubst und probiert drizbissa. denn isch amel was los im kaefig! 🙂 es haed allna spass gmacht und d’fotografa send uebergluecklich mit da gschossna bilder und stellid etz spannendi dia shows zemma zum dahom zoaga, wia muetig moer alli do gsi seand! Ma kas nu allna empfehla, isch wirklich unglaublich zum dena riesiga raeuber zuazulaga! Dani
Mein tausendster Tauchgang und soooo schoen: unser Kapitaen Gordon war als Cage Master fuer uns zustaendig und fuehrte uns direkt in 12 Meter Tiefe zu drei weissen Haien. Einer des Trios war sehr interessiert an uns Vieren im Kaefig. Er kam uns so nah, dass wir ihn haetten beruehren koennen, will heissen: er landete mit seinem Maul im Kaefig. Doch ueberrascht wie wir waren, begnuegten wir uns mit neugierigen Blicken und machten schoene Bilder von diesem unglaublichen Geschoepf. Diese Leichtigkeit und Eleganz, mit der er sich durch das tiefblaue Wasser bewegt, ist ueberwaeltigend. Man kann sich gar nicht satt sehen. Drei Tauchgaenge am Tag vergehen wie im Fluge und wir sind schon gespannt auf morgen…Tag drei in Guadalupe, wir warten!