First day at Gaudalupe!!
We saw Biteface, Lucy, Shredder and a big one no one can identify! The sun peeked through a little and the water was clear and cool…
das wasser ist kalt, aber es war unglaublich klar, besser als gab verschiedene weisse haie zu sehen, PHANTASTISCH>>>>
Today was worth waiting for because we got to get in the cages and watch the beautiful great white sharks swim by in the bright blue water. This experience is something everyone should do once in their lifetime. There is nothing more magical than to watch a great white shark swim out of the distance up to the cage and they get so close you can almost touch them.
Scratch one item off the bucket list: diving with one of the top predators of the sea. Over the course of the first day I got to meet over a dozen different great white sharks. Every dive brought me close to these amazing creatures. I can’t wait for day two.
Shawn Stoddard
We had a very smooth crossing over to Guadalupe island from Ensenada. We are starting to see lot of Humpbacks whales now starting to migrate down south. It is an nice extra to look for when we cross over to our shark diving. An owl made us company for the whole crossing and flied of to Guadelupe just a bit before we anchored. She should be ok in Guadalupe, there are a lot of mice on the island..
After setting the cages ready to go at 6:45 AM we noticed that we are getting close in to the winter , not by the temperature , but it is still dark, When we started in July it waslight at this time , but we remain our schedules the same.
The first start in the morning was a bit slow , but it got better and better in to the day. The after noon we had two big females and a defenitely much smaller male make quick passes by the cage but did not stay long as he got pushed out bythe big females.
We got Bite face, shredder, Noriega and MAD , of the females Lucy, Scar brough and an un idetified big un marked female that was having a lot of attitude.
she was all the time high up in the water and often surprised us who where standing on the cages. They had this beautiful black and blue striped Pilot fish with them. It seems like the pilot fish are very faithful to its host. they swim away a little bit to investigate things in the water , but always quickly retuns to its mamma shark again.
Surface conditions; Mixed sun and clouds. No wind , 25 C
Underwater conditions : Viz 25-35 m , temp 64 F, 21C, Abit of current today.