Each July the Nautilus Explorer goes into shipyard to renew and refurbish the vessel. Our goal each year is to ensure trouble free operation and bristol condition for you, our guests. This year with a herculian effort by the crew and shipyard staff, more was accomplished than normal. The ship was painted almost entirely from top to bottom (normally we get about 1/2 the hull and superstructure complete. One of the most common suggestions has been the addition of a deck Head on the dive deck. I am happy to say we have completed the new deck head and it will help to alleviate those rush trips back to the boat, frantic removal of wetsuit, getting the worst of the dripping water towelled off before dashing off to your roon and own head. You can now use the deck head. A number of small projects to make life better on board, doors and closures re-worked, Main salon and dining room completely refinished. The test of course comes with the arrival of our first guests and passengers starting on the evening of July 29.
Captain Al
Captains Log Aug 1
Well it is the start of day 2 here at Guadalupe Island. Our guest joined us late in the evening on July 29 and we departed early on July 30 for Guadalupe. Guadalupe is 186 n.m. from Ensenada, MX and is a easy 20 hour trip. Upon arrival we staged for the first dive, and within 40 minutes of the first cages hitting the water we had what we came for. White sharks and not one but two the first day, by the end of the day we had three sharks circling around us. It was non-stop action.
Water temp is in the upper 60’s, visibility even when it is a little hazy is still ovr 125′, This morning to start things out we had a full breech, which was seen both above and below the water.
Today has started where yesterday ended. We started with three sharks and into the early afternoon we have had as many as five. With that many your head is on a swivel. Guests are having a great time. Some of the crew have even found time to splash. So smiles all around. Weather has been perfect in our little sunshine hole behind Guadalupe, wind is calm, sea are flat, Air temp is about 78F or 24 C.
Captain Al
Captains Log Aug 6
WE have been busy staging cages and getting ready for the next morning, guest of course watched in eager anticipation. With the arrival yesterday of dive time in the Submersible cages, the crowd on the back deck was full of lookers and divers. The stern cages open at 0615 which is earlier than the submersible cages and on the first day we use them to get weights right for each diver prior to their first ride in the submersible cages. Even during the check out dives we had sharks circling around. Yesterday we have three sharks every dive and as many as six on some occasions. Today started off the same way but we were treated to two seperate breeches with one so close to the boat that we had one guest picking his camera out of the rinse bucket beside the camera table when what should fully emerge from the depths than a shark, a mere few feet from his head. As he put it, he almost did a squid impression and inked on the spot. Weather is great again this trip, sunny skies behind the island, temps in the high 70- low 80’s with no wind in the anchorage but we are getting today a very slight wraparound from the sea state on the west side of the island. So getting about a 1′ swell at the boat. Not quite as flat as last trip. Great day being had by all. Wish you were here, come and join us!
Captain Al

2 replies on “Guadalupe Island – even during the check out dives we had great white sharks circling around the Nautilus Explorer. As many as six sharks at one time! Guadalupe, Mexico. Aug 7, 2012.”
I still reading this trippstories every week and now I have anguish whish journey I want to do first.
My trip with Swell was incredible god and some dive I have an a god dive buddy with me.
I`m sorry but I saw i hade write wrong, I mean good, not god.
I wish you a nice trip.