All of roca partida is amazing, it’s one of the coolest far away places I have ever been. It seems to be there still a balanced ecosystem, which in the world today is very difficult to find. I think that roca is a place where we can learn quite a bit about our behaviour. Joern (nicknamed Hercules by tigre)
Man, two days, eight days a roca by the last dive today, I was in shark-crazed-over-dose-shock that I had to look for sometin new so Joel, my fellow divemaster on board, colleague, mentor, scuba stallion and super-scuba-buddy, told me that he had seen the queen parrotfish from last year that dances in the ascending bubbles he hadn’t seen it last year, it was I that told him about it but he hadn‚t seen it yet. So he told me he saw it this morning, so the hunt was on, I wanted to see her again but this time get in on my gopro so I can show jo back home cuz the fish reminds me of her dancing salsa cuz she loves to dance salsa with me. So I went to the north point where joel said he seen it but I didn‚t find her I already got my mission for our next trip out. Miss ya jo tigre.
I am thankful that all these big sharks and fish are still somewhere like roca partida..there are so few places left on this planet, that I call it fish soup because it has everything together. Also I went on a zodiac bird watching outing to see all the birds on roca close up and take fotos and I can say how brave these birds are to come all this way to hunt. Very nice. Claudia
Roca is just a fantastic place, we see almost all the same as yesterday, the sharks and mantas and fish, but it was just as amazing the second time around. Torsten (nicknamed special k by tigre).
I was at this great spot off the south point at thirty two meters and I had el tigre a meter or two above me, and we were both appreciating the many different types of sharks that were coming so very close, the Galapagos and white tips, and also the hammerheads, it was a shame that the hammerheads did not come as close as the others, it is not in their nature, that would have made it even better. Something for next time∑ Goetz.
My last day at roca was just great, lots of sharks and mantas too, I made the four dives of the day and the last dive of the day I made fifteen minutes and then had to retreat to six meters because my computer was saturated, I had used up all my bottom time on the first three dives, and even at six meters it was great. Volker.