Today was quite incredible at Socorro on the Nautilus Explorer, at least 5 mantas circled over and over and on two separate occasions we encountered a gang of super friendly dolphins. On our morning dive, we ran into ~20 dolphins that stuck around and interacted. It was truly one of the most magical animal encounters I have ever had and this will be a day I will never forget.
A great day of diving. Being able to dive with wild dolphins that look at you with curiosity and intrege is the best way to start the day. The dolphins were not around every dive but a good 50% of them and when they weren’t around the mantas created a great show, with close encounters, dancing with each other and hovering with the divers. What a great memory. Thanks Nautilus.
Hoy fue un dia memorable, de esos que nunca se olvidan. Kevin, the mate, y yo buceamos en punta tosca en Isla Socorro y tuvimos un encuentro maravilloso con los delfines, ellos se acercaron tanto que nos rosaron con su cuerpo, estuvieron cerca de 10 minutos nadando junto con nosotros y en combinación con 4 mantas gigantes hicieron este dia inolvidable. Estos son los momentos que hacen que no me arrepienta de trabajar con buzos deportivos, respetando el mar, cuidándolo y disfrutándolo.
Hernan Diving today with the good luck deckhand Hernan was one of the best dives I’ve had in a long time. He’s good luck cause he always gets dolphins. Right at the start of our dive we had dolphins coming in close to check use out. They stayed with use on our decent to 70. Close enough to touch at times. Mimicking us as we went. Its amazing that these wild dolphins at Socorro are so playful.
Mate, Waldie..