2013 is been a year with a lot of great surprises for me and one of the biggest is one of the trips that we just finished, this is why we love diving, this is why we spend so much time out at sea, this is why… by saying this is I mean we had everything the guests could think of, after a manta dive they will tell us you know what I would like to see whales …boom next day we where snorkeling with whales. You know it would be nice if we could see them underwater (the guest said) well that’s not very likely to happened (I said) …boom next day we saw them on scuba 3 dives out of 4 at Roca Partida, there are pictures to prove all this. Any way after spending 3 days at Roca we decided to move to Socorro and the first thing I told them on the briefing was: I got bad news for all of you “the diving in Revillagigedo doesn’t get any better than this” they all knew it, but San Benedicto had some surprises for us, a whale shark!! After all this the guest was pushing their luck and they said we want a Tiger shark now …boom some of them had their Tigre shark! Best trip I have seen on board of the Nautilus explorer on the last 2 years.
Water temp.- 25ºC
Vis.- 25mts aprox
Air temp.- 30ºC