Greeted by Dolphins at Clarion Island and seen a group of humpbacks while snorkelling. Can this trip get any better?
– G
Trying sites that have never or rarely been dived before (2 times at most) presents as much a challenge from the team on what are the expectations and opportunities for new things. Sometimes the fishes seem shyer of the sound of bubbles, but we also get to see inquisitive dolphins coming to see those strange slow creatures. To be noticed, the landscape above is also very beautiful.
– Nicolas
The days at Clarion were wonderful. Dolphins accompanied us, whales singing during all our dives, giving us the feeling they were all very close. A few of us snorkelled with the humpbacks and after sighting orcas, we were glad to see the baby whales still with their mothers. Above and under water it was well worth it going all the way to visit this special place on earth.
– Nicole and Ernst