We left last evening with a new group of guests and have had very good conditions for our transit out to the islands of the Revillagigedo Archipelago. We are currently about 16 nautical miles north of San Benedicto and in the light of the nearly full moon, I can see the island rising from the sea as we approch. Most of the guests are off for pleasant dreams but we still have a few up waiting to see if we have our usual greeting party of Bottlenose Dolphins. The Dolphins often meet us as we get near the island. They come looking for the free ride that the bow of the boat offers them. Tomorrow diving starts in earnest and we will see what changes have occured since we last left almost a week ago. Stay tuned and will tell you what we see over the next few days.
Al Spilde
Nautilus Explorer
Guest blogs after the first day of diving….
“I have been diving for 35 years, all around the world and that has to be the best dive of my life. Amazing, but you know that! The Red Sea will never be the same. John – UK
“Hammerhead sharks, hundreds of the them, I tried counting them but it was not possible.” Bob – Canada
“I just stayed in one spot, I did not want to fight the current and I saw everything, hundreds of hammerhead sharks. Maryrose – Switzerland