Nautilus Explorer ˆ Guadalupe Island ˆ Day 3. This is my first live aboard dive trip, so by definition, it also is my first time on the Nautilus Explorer. I think I’m spoiled; the bar has been set very high from now on. First, the crew was over-the-top wonderful. I’ve cruised on the finest cruise lines in the world, and this crew is ever bit as professional, friendly, helpful, caring and fun as any I’ve experienced. Second, the food (and baked goods!) could not have not come from such a small galley. It’s the 8th man-made wonder of the world. I’m convinced it was flown in from a fine restaurant for every meal. Third, the ship was clean, comfortable and absolutely right-sized. Fourth, my fellow passengers could not have been friendlier and more fun to hang out with. There must be some secret screening process or algorithm used to select passengers. I‚m not sure how I made the list, but I‚m keeping quiet. Last but certainly not least was the diving. It was truly amazing to briefly share the ocean with animals as elegant and majestic as the Great White Shark.
So, while this may have been my first live aboard experience, it certainly won’t be my last. And, I will look no further than the Nautilus Explorer when booking my next live aboard trip.
Warmest regards,
– Ken B. (Pepe)