A bit slow with the sharks, but when they should up… boy howdy did they!!! They put on an awesome show for us all afternoon with no less than 4 sharks at a time cruising by. Both fast and also slow enough to just look into you soul. Such an amazing thing to share with nature. Shout out to my boy Bozo who came in to show himself to us and the guests. And can’t forget our cute little female cruising about showing her stuff. DM Jason
This has been such a special week at Guadalupe Island. We have a great group of guests onboard which include a few children between the ages of 8-13. It is so wonderful to see the excitement in their faces after spending time in the surface cages with the dive masters. Their energy and fascination with the sharks, fish and the sea lions has transferred to the whole group, crew included, and we are all finding a bit of our inner child coming out – Lauren, Hostess Nautilus Explorer