Cancelled trip due to hurricane Norbert.

Sigh.   We hate to cancel a trip.  There is nothing good about it.  Wrecked vacation plans for our guests.  Disappointment all round.   We don’t get to see our great white friends for almost a week.  Most frustrating of all is that tropical storms and hurricanes in this part of the world do not like cold water and typically cloister around Cabo San Lucas and the south end of Baja California.  NOT Guadalupe Island.   But the cards lined up and all the forecasts were uniform in predicting storm force winds and minimum 15 – 20 foot seas at Guadalupe.  The Nautilus Explorer is a tough bird and we have seen plenty of big seas in the Gulf of Alaska.  But even if we made it out to Guadalupe, the diving would have been wiped out with those sea conditions.  So… for the first time in a long time we  cancelled a trip due to weather.    Accommodating and looking after our clients on the cancelled trip in every possible way is now Job #1..   Sighhh.   The ultimate irony will be if the forecasts end up being wrong and my own personal weather guessing turns out to be accurate  ie.  we could have gone after all if the storms lies down the way I think it will.   But weather, the safety of our guests and the quality of the dive experience is something we will never take a gamble on.  Safe diving all.  Captain Mike

By Nautilus Staff

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