Calm Seas and blue skies have been making for great dive days this week in the Sea of Cortez. Today we dropped in on Los Islotes, one of the biggest Sea Lion colonies of the Baja Coast. The larger Bull Males made their presence known quickly with heavy barks as the skiffs pulled in, even more when we dropped in. I think some of the divers were a tad intimidated/surprised by the speed and size of these guys. Towards the end of the dive we were even met by a bunch of playful juveniles who got a kick out of the divers bubbles. Definitely the place of be in Cortez if you want to dive with California Sea Lions. After a few dives with the colony we ended the day in the bay of Ensenda Candelero. The paddle boards were put to good use, most giving it a try for the first time. This DM likes to think he mastered it quickly, but I’ll be sticking more to being under the water for now. Up Next, back off to San Ben, Socorro and Roca for one last trip of the season with the giants.