Bigger great white sharks this end of the season

Last trip this year to Guadalupe…
So that was it!
Our last 3 and a half days in Guadalupe are over and we ended grande to the last minute.
Bigger great white sharks this end of the season, but not as many big females as we use to see the other years. We had different kind of weather from almost calm to one day with heavy wind and rain, but we where anchored in a sweet spot away from the worst to be able to continue our diving and yes we had great white sharks!
One small male seems like he been specialist in catching seagulls. I have after close 50 trips out here not been having seen it before, often that the shark goes up with its nose toward the seagull and the seagull fly away , but this guy he charged from way underneath the surface and just slammed the poor bird getting lifted way out of the surface, the he spit the gull out but came back and finished it, reminds me about the tiger sharks that takes young albatross that miss land in the water.
On board I noticed a whole bunch of people that I’ve been diving with years ago , Its nice to see people coming back. Means that we must have done something right…..
Its 5 am in the morning I can see the light beacon on Cedros, Planning to get in some dives with sea lions by a rookery. Before we continue steaming down to Revillagigedos, with warmer water and warmer air.

By Nautilus Staff

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