Day 2 at Roca today, diving has been very good. Dolphins and schooling hammerheads today so far. Yesterday was really good too.
All alone here today, nice for a change. Yesterday the private yacht Eileen was here, she had 5 or 6 people diving. They say they are due to meet up with the Argo. Haven’t seen them yet. Heading to San Benedicto tonight for last day tomorrow. Things going well. No other big issues. Guests seem happy. We may be seeing the NEX tomorrow so if I get a chance I’ll do a dive and check out the prop speed and bottom paint for comparison.
If not I’ll try to dive on our hull again and take some pics/video for you.

1 reply on “Day 2 on the NBA”
Had the pleasure of Getting My Shark On with Captain Gordon and crew at Guadalupe Island! Will see all of the wonderful Belle Amie crew again for my first Socorro adventure! See you all May 12…Gonna Hug Me a Humpback!!