After a full day & two nights at sea after a couple dives at Roca Alijos we arrived at Roca Partida at sunrise. DM Pedro had a detailed dive site map, with a whale shark graphic, during the briefing and in no time we had the skiffs ready to load eager divers, ready to see a whale shark, and drop them off at the rock.
The sea was calm with mild swells and making it easy to follow, drop off, and pick up divers all day. The most rewarding part of everyday is when cheerful divers break the surface with big smiles ready to tell you about their dive experience and today was no different. Every group of divers had an amazing big animal encounter to talk about. Hammerheads, whale sharks, Galapagos sharks, silky sharks, silver tip sharks, and everything in between; but for me, the most rewarding part was when a juvenile whale shark surfaced and hung out for a few minutes off the stern of the boat.
Tomorrow we are all looking forward for day #2 at Roca Partida and see what the Pacific Ocean brings forward in terms of amazing marine life.
– Divemaster Aldo, Belize