Location:GPS POS: Lat 18-46.7’N Long 110-54.7’W
Weather: Vis was 45 ft with mild current current
Water Temp: 77 F
Yesterday we ended with two dives a the Canyon. Vis was 45 ft with mild current current. We did see Mantas and silver tip sharks. While we were lifting the skiffs we got a great show from a hump back whale about half a mile east of the anchorage. It breached a few times and slapped its tail for about 30 minutes. It was quite an amazing show. This morning at Cabo Pierce the wind started out 5-10 out of the North and shifted to the NE 12-17 gusts up to 20. During the first dive the was a strong N’ly current. The water is rather warm, 77 F. By dive two the current has died down a bit, but still running to the North. After dive 3 we will go check in with the Navy, then do a silky snorkel at Punta Tosca.
-Captain TJ