Captain’s Noon Report – Under Sea – 2018-04-18

Location:19 17.7N- 110 48.5W
Status:60 ft depth
Weather: Clear Sky at San Benedicto Island,windy today over 20kts from N and seas 3/4 ft long swells. Vis in one side of the canyon 50ft but 100 ft plus by the Fondeadero area and strong current to E.

Diving is very good, we saw tiger sharks, mantas, Galapagos sharks, mobulas and a lot of big eye jacks. Guests are happy and expecting more action after lunch. Yesterday at the boiler, we saw mantas and dolphins. Everyone is happy. Planning to move to Socorro if possible tonight.

-Captain MantaRey

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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