Captain’s Noon Report – Belle Amie – 2018-05-02

Location: San Benedicto Island
Status: Anchored vis 50-60′
Weather: 73 with light winds from the NE

Anchored in the Canyon at San Benedicto Island. Light winds from NE. Calm seas in the bay. 50-60′ visibility 73 degree water and light current at the moment. Some moderate current on the first dive. One group saw dolphins on the first dive. Everyone has seen a manta and there has also been a school of tuna and some hammerheads. We will most likely finish the day here and head to the boiler in the morning. Sharing the bay with the Quino.
– Capt Graham

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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