Captains Noon Report – Under Sea – 2018-05-03

Location: San Benedicto Is.19 17.7N-110 48.4W
Status: Anchored in 90 ft depth, Vis 60 ft
Weather: 71 F

Good afternoon. Sky partly cloudy today. Wind NW 5-8 in anchorage and seas 2-3 ft. Two morning dives at the canyon. Vis 60 ft and temp 71 F and moderate current E according to guests comments. Animal sightings so far; Mantas, Hammerheads, Silver tips, & White tips. Guests are very happy. Expecting more action after lunch. We are sharing the site with our friends at Solmar v and Rocio del Mar.
– Capt Mantarey

By Noon Reports

Daily dive and conditions reports from our captains onboard the Nautilus Liveaboard vessels.

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