GPS POS: 19-19.6’N 110-48.8’W The Boiler WX: Winds: NW 8-12 Seas: NW 1-2 Swell: WNW 2-3 This morning we did our checkout dive at the Red Rocks dive site. Everyone looked great. We had two guests switch from shark group to manta group. They realized they have a better chance of seeing marine life when they go with a dive guide. The vis was about 50ft, temp 73F, no current. They saw one white tip, one manta, some sting rays, and lobsters. We decided to move to the Boiler for the rest of the day. On dive 2 they saw 2 mantas, very playful, 2 hammerheads, and white tips. Vis was 80+, temp 72F, mild current flowing to the north. They said that the trip is off to a great start. – Terence